Design Patterns in JavaScript - Part 2

Hello folks! A month back I wrote a post explaining how basic fundamental design patterns could be written in JavaScript language. I received few emails of appreciation as well as advice and on one such advice, I am sharing my experience of the current patterns which actually align with your day to day development in JavaScript (this time it is specific to JavaScript). Lets get started -

1. Revealing Module Pattern

Anyone who started learning programming would have encountered the term Object Oriented Programming and in it Encapsulation. JavaScript, in particular does not enjoy the liberty of visibility modifiers like other languages do, but we do want to implement Encapsulation. Now, this can be achieved through this Revealing Module Pattern. Here is how the core syntax is like -

var myReveal = (function() {
    return { Anything you want to be public, return in form of Object  }

Usage -


I will not suggest to not know about closures, but if you are not willing to use closures to hide methods or properties, this method is really very handy. Lets write a simple real world example using WebSQL to get more clear understanding about this -

2. Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD)

This pattern is slowly getting hold of all the internet now, because as the title says Asynchronous. It actually is an Asynchronous pattern that takes the best out of all the world and yet loads stuff in parallel. This pattern ensures not only encapsulation, but also avoids Global Variables, Namespaces and it works very well within the browser. Lets quickly get into the basic syntax -

// Import all modules in a single location
    function(otherModuleName) {
        // Export your module as an object
        return {
            myFunction: function() {
                otherModule.otherExportedFunction() + 1;

This is not it, its just a beginning. Anyways, lets talk about the actual usage part of this. I shall be using requireJs, it is a popular script loader that supports AMD. Cool!, lets build something with this. We shall create a simple script that will load Jquery DatePicker in DOM.

requirejs(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'jq-datepicker'],
    function($) {
            format: 'dd/mm/yyyy',
            language: 'da',
            keyboardNavigation: false,
            autoclose: true

// HTML Code

<div class='datepicker'></div>

Simple, isn't it. Lets talk about advantages of this style -

  1. I am always sure that the dependencies are loaded before the defined function.
  2. I can simply extend this function to do all stuff required.
  3. None of the variables are global, hence no issue of messing up your design in browser.

AMD is definitely my favorite and long back I wrote a simple script that converts a flat json into a bootstrap table. Here is the link

That's it folks for now!

As always, please Email to provide your comments.